Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Why Butter is Better

If you are a child of the 80s, you may think that butter is the demon child of satan. That margarine is the way to go, to keep that "bad bad" saturated fat far from your sweet little arteries.

Truth is, that can't be farther from the truth.

Now, in 2014, we all pretty much know that margarine is one degree away from plastic, and that we were lied to by the food industry for over 30 years. In that time, heart disease, stroke, and heart-related deaths SKYROCKETED.

That statistic alone should give you pause as to what you believe from our government, the FDA, and your doctor.

All I'm saying, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but all i'm saying is do your own research. And where you find your information, double check the sources. If the source you're using is an organization that lobbies congress and lines the pockets of those who they need to pass legislation to make THEM richer, don't listen to them. They don't have your best interest at heart.

Instead, listen to the local farmer. The one who is in the fields tending to their flock and their crops as if they were their own children. These are the people to trust.

Another great resource is Weston A. Price.


You can trust his research because he has no ulterior motive other than to reveal how indigenous, non-Westernized civilizations live and have such superior health to us in the states.

And HE thinks butter is better.

(Take that  FDA believing, "oh it's saturated fat and that's bad for you" friend!)


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