Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In pursuit of healing Hannah

I have one child.

Six years and thousands of prayers later, we had a baby. It was not easy. We went through many many tears of sadness and desperation to have a child, all while subconsciously hearing the tick-tick-ticking of my biological clock.

After checking my temp, family planning, rhythm method, and fertility treatments- all to no avail- my wonderful doc discovered that I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and those pesky cysts get in the way of the egg that I was needing to make a sweet baby.

After only two weeks on Metformin (a common drug used for PCOS), I was pregnant. It was so shocking that I called my OB friend Mika because I didn't believe that the pregnancy test was accurate. So I did five. She said, "You can have false negatives, Caryn. But very rarely do you EVER have a false positive. Go call Fuse."  So I called Dr. Fuselier and he called me back- and it was on a SATURDAY and he wasn't on call. He told me that he could not believe it!! Metformin patients usually take a year to get their hormones regulated enough to have a baby.

Whoot whoot!! Our God is good.

We had Hannah in 2005 and she has brought more delight to our lives than anything I can think of. She is the only grand baby on my side of the family (I'm an only child now, but that's a story for another blog entry). Being the only grand child, she is incredibly loved and cherished by my family.

She was a VERY healthy child. She never had one ear ache, never had surgery. We were just blessed.
So in October 2013 when she got strep throat, we thought nothing of it. We went to a walk-in clinic and the doc gave her a Rx for an antibiotic. We came home and gave it to her. And when she got better she was back at school, like normal. Over thanksgiving we even took her to Disney World.

On December 20th, Hannah had a school play where she was a backup singer in "Elfis and the Sleigh Riders."  She had a blast being on stage (wonder where she gets THAT from?!) but that day was the last day she would ever go back to public school.

That night she started running fever of 103. She continued to run fever for almost TWO STRAIGHT MONTHS.

Two months!!

She was sick all through Christmas Eve, Christmas day, the entire Christmas break, New Years, and almost all of January and February.

Many many MANY doctor visits came with this fever. She was swabbed four different times for flu AND for strep. We practically have our own chairs in the waiting room at the Children's Specialty Hospital.  They took so much blood that my aunt swore she would run out. And they did so many X-rays on her that she actually had a high level of radiation in her body. Not kidding.

Her pediatricians couldn't find the root cause of her fever so they sent her to a hematology oncologist. That's not a good feeling to be told you're being sent to a cancer doctor.

Enter mama's ulcer.

The oncologist ordered a bone marrow extraction and biopsy.

This was getting way more serious than my nerve could handle.

Hannah and her Sissy- Bone Marrow procedure

This highly invasive and painful procedure turned up NOTHING.

So off we went to specialists at Tulane in New Orleans. 

The first specialist that reviewed Hannah's case is a specialist in immunology, rheumatology, and allergies. She said that based on Hannah's case, did not need to be seen by her. She needed to see an Infectious Disease specialist. So James, my mom, my aunt, and I all took off work and drove to New Orleans to Tulane Medical Center to meet with this Infectious Disease specialist. It was a big day for us and we thought that we might hear really bad news, so we braved the horrible weather and the fears of the unknown and went in to the office. 

And then he said it.  

He said that Hannah was "the PILLAR of health."  WHAT??????

What he said sent me on a downward spiral into the abyss of anger, frustration, and fear that we will never find out what's making my only daughter so sick.  I don't remember talking or breathing or anything on that long drive home. But it was in that moment that I decided to take her health into my own hands and away from western medicine. 

Next blog post I'll go into detail about what I found that healed Hannah of her ailments. 
And it's SHOCKING what was wrong.

Stay tuned!  :)

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