Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Coconut Oil Miracle

Coconuts are miraculous!

And coconut oil is SO good for us. Sadly, political propaganda from the American Soybean Association campaigned to replace tropical oils with polyunsaturated (your DANGER antennae should go up at that word) soybean oil. Because of this campaign, everyone from local restaurants to nationwide theater chains switched from the "scary" saturated coconut oil to these more "healthy" polyunsaturated (danger danger!) oils.

For over 3 decades we've been indoctrinated into believing that saturated fats equal "bad" fats, leading to high cholesterol, heart disease, and obesity. What they failed to mention is that a certain subgroup of saturated fats have many health benefits, including weight LOSS (yes, you read that right). A fat that claims to help you lose weight.

Now they have my attention.

In Bruce Fife's book The Coconut Oil Miracle, he explains the myriad health benefits of this delicious oil. 

Coconut Oil can:

  • get rid of chronic psoriasis 
  • eliminate dandruff
  • remove precancerous skin lesions
  • speed up recovery from the flu
  • stop bladder infections
  • help you overcome chronic fatigue
  • treat dental cavities
  • heal peptic ulcers
  • heal prostate issues
  • stop hepatitis-C
  • prevent heart disease
  • strengthen the immune system
  • promote weight loss
Wait. OIL can do that??  Yes.  Read on.

Coconuts and coconut oil has been used as a major source of food and medicine for thousands of years for millions of people in Asia and the Pacific Islands, where there is virtually NO heart disease, hypertension, cancer, arthritis or any other modern degenerative diseases.

So if you're still not convinced, as you hold your canola oil and margarine in a vice grip, let me talk to you a second about free radicals.

Free radicals can attack our cells, literally ripping their protective membranes apart. The more free radicals attack our cells, the greater the damage and potential for serious destruction to vital organs, joints, and bodily systems. Research has linked free-radical damage to major diseases including cancer, heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, arthritis, digestive problems, allergies, diabetes, cataracts, and memory loss/dementia.

The type of oil you use has a profound effect on your health because many oils promote free radicals!! And polyunsaturated oils all cause free radicals to form. So any oil that's made of soybeans is bad for you. Vegetable oils cause free radicals to form as well. Canola oil is rancid. But the FDA would never tell us this. 

Olive oil is great for you but it should only be used cold. It should not be heated up. Use olive oil for salad dressings and on pasta. And make sure you get your olive oil from a reputable source- somewhere you know they process the olives correctly and that they store the oil in the proper container. 

I encourage you to read this book so you can learn more about the amazing health benefits of coconut oil. 

Personal Testimony
Personally, I know it works. I have lost weight and I no longer have high blood pressure since I began using coconut oil. My blood pressure used to be 150/100 and I was on two different blood pressure prescription medications. Now, I put a teaspoon of it in my coffee each morning, and I use it to cook my eggs in the morning. I put it in my hair and on my dry skin. I also have a weird looking corn or planter's wart on my pinkie toe that is healing thanks to coconut oil. I kid you not. This stuff is magic. God knew what he was doing when he made this wonderful oil.

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