Friday, May 2, 2014

The Horse Farm

The other farm I LOVE to go to is the Horse Farm on Johnston Street. 

Here are some of the farms that are at the Horse Farm that I buy from:

These are some of my favorite folks at the horse farm. I make a bee line straight to their booth every weekend to make sure I get some of their fresh mixed greens. 

They also sell organic herb plants that you can plant in your own garden.
I bought mint and oregano from them. Everything tastes better when I cook with fresh herbs.

Here's the lettuce we eat! Straight from the farm to the table. As it should be.

Bayou Farm produces meat and eggs in an intensively managed, 
grass-based farming system. Sheep, pigs, chickens, and turkeys rotate 
through their pastures creating meat, eggs, and fiber in a complimentary cycle.  

Sheep graze the grass, pigs plow for annual forage plantings, and birds fertilize and run pest control. 
Their animals are not fed antibiotics, growth stimulants, or other chemicals.
Sarah Bailly  e-mail:

Bayou farm has grass fed beef. A few weekends ago my BFF Julie and I bought beef bones here to make our beef bone broth! I told my mom and aunt that if you would have told me one year ago that in April 2014 I'd be buying bags of BONES to make my own broth I would have laughed HYSTERICALLY (and thought you were crazy)!!
 And I would have thought, "Why the heck would I buy some tacky ol' bones when I can buy the stuff in a box already made?! DUH!" 


"When you know better, you do better." 
~Maya Angelou 

David Klier and Stephanie Elwood own and operate Helping Hands 
Farm in Plaisance, Louisiana. We grow fresh produce, flowers, fruit, transplants 
and herbs year round. Our produce is grown chemical pesticide and herbicide 
free. We feel truly blessed to be able to work with the earth and share 
nutritious produce with our local community.    
E-Mail: David Klier              

These are some of the nicest guys at the Horse Farm. Very laid back and so helpful. 
All their produce is fresh from their farm in Cottonport. 
And SO delicious and fresh!

There are many other vendors and farmers that come to the Horse Farm. 
I've highlighted just a few of my favorites. 
You should go check them out today!

Easiest way I've found to get into the Horse Farm-
I park at the bank just past the farm on Johnston St. (near bowling alley). 
Easy in and out.

Have fun!!

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