Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nourishing Traditions


If you are even a little bit interested in optimizing your health, this book is a must have.

I dare say, it's the bible of nutrition.  

by Sally Fallon

I love the subtitle.
"The cookbook that challenges politically correct nutrition and the diet dictocrats."

I love an author with sass.

The first 71 pages of this book solidified all I have been learning about health and nutrition on all the blogs and Facebook pages that I follow. It busts the myths that are spread by political propoganda (aka, big money lining the pockets of politicians, ie, MONSANTO for one). Then the author breaks down each section by food group. She talks about the healthiest fats to eat, the types of carbohydrates we should eat, the best protein sources, what kind of milk we should consume, and she tackles subjects like fermented vegetables, sprouted seeds and beans, lacto-fermented drinks, as well as discussing spices, seasonings, vitamins and minerals. I learned more in those 71 pages than in any other "diet" or health book that I've ever read in my life. 


And it's a HUGE book. 676 pages! (told you it's like a bible....)
Most of the book is recipes. This book taught me how to make my own bone broths. She also taught me that it's just as valuable to know how the food we consume is PROCESSED as much as it is important to know where it came from. 

                                                         Light bulb moment!!!!!

It's in the processing of many of our favorite foods that all of the nutritional value is completely depleted, leaving us a "food-like substance" completely devoid of nutrition. And if the goal of eating food is nutrition, then eating anything devoid of nutrition is counterproductive and meaningless.  Sure, cheetos taste good. But they can cause many problems in our bodies. And after years of eating these kinds of "foods," we develop chronic, systemic disorders that can all be traced back to bad food choices.

The second I finished reading the first 71 pages I bought three more books to give to a few special friends who've walked along side me on my healing health journey. It's less than $15 on amazon. Click here for a link to buy the book online: 

Happy reading!

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