Friday, April 18, 2014

HOORAY! It's sprained!!

My baby has a sprained ankle. HOORAY!!

Huh? Why on earth would a mama cheer for a sprained ankle?  She must be clearly deranged.

I never thought I would be RELIEVED to hear a doctor say that my kid has a sprained ankle.
My initial fear was that the streptococcal bacterial infection decided to stick around and lodge in her ankle. Cellulitis and sprains have the same symptoms: swollen, red, and hot to the touch.
Strep is always on my mind... Isn't that a song?

So I called a pediatrician friend and had her go in immediately for a check up. Dr. Huval did what I assumed she'd do- labs and X-rays. But what I was shocked to find out was that her little ankle was sprained. Sprains are when the ligaments in the ankle are either stretched or torn. So luckily the bone is not broken, but my suspicion is that her rollerblades are to blame.

Rollerblades are an abomination. :)

So now she's trying out her new crutches. Well, they're new for her. They were actually her step gramma's. Emma broke her leg 20 years ago and had these crutches ever since. So Pop Pop fixed them up for Hannah and now she has a new "toy!"

Hannah with Bella, the photo bomber

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